Cake Mix Doctor Review: Chocolate Praline Cake

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Heather The Confectionist is on a mission to bake and review every cake in Anne Byrn's The Cake Mix Doctor (CMD). Follow along on this journey with the CMD Review.

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Chocolate Praline Cake p33

I made this one last night. It takes a little longer to bake than the book says. When it came out of the oven I expected the praline mixture to sit nicely on top, but since it was warm it kind of gooed down the sides. I actually like the look with the nuts on the side. The frosting and filling is simply heavy whipping cream and confectioners' sugar with semisweet chocolate (I only had chips) grated on top. Kinda funny to watch me grating itty bitty chocolate chips. I think the presentation on this cake is pretty and interesting with the nuts, white frosting and chocolate shavings giving it great visual contrast. The cake itself is a somewhat mild cake but the addition of the praline mixture makes it very rich. Went over very well with the guinea pigs at work. The pralines really make this cake. Do not make this a two layer cake if you are going to travel or take it somewhere. The layers will slide apart. This could be done great in a sheet for outings. Must be refrigerated due to the cream frosting.

Rating: 4 out of a possible 5 guinea pigs
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Heather "The Confectionist"

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