3 B'day cakes + 2 cakes for 'makan-makan'

Siapkan semua dekor kek nie satu malam.....semua 5 kek nie di 'make-up' dari lepas maghrib sampai kul 2.30 pagi baru dapat rehat masuk tidur...nasib baik ada tonic ajaib (air ECPI Gesundheit) yang boleh buat badan segar & tak rasa ngantuk...memang mujarab la air ECPI nie, for those yang nak kerja lasak dan rehat tak tentu masa cuba la minum air ECPI nie...sungguh, tak tipu!!! Promote nampak...he...he..he... Niza IT's repeated order - 2kg cake. IT dept staff celebrated their b'day penutup nak posa. TQ Niza! Kek nie sponge cake chocolate flavour, salut dgn non-dairy freshcream & dekor dgn fresh strawberry + rolled fondant flowers & other decors. Tetengah tu bubuh coklat diparut & hiasan folled fondant butterfly, bz bees & small bird + roses...

Elyn's office-mate ordered the cake for her nephew's b'day. Thanks Elyn for introducing a friend & thanks to your friend for ordering this cake. Hope she likes it!! Cake is a sponge choc flavour frosted with non-dairy freshcream & coated with chocolate ganache as requested by the customer. Ballons decor & the wordings are made of rolled fondant.

Fiza ordered the cake for her eldest son's b'day. She's asked for a choc moist cake covered with choc ganache. I've decorated it with fresh strawberry + other rolled fondant decors. Terima kasih daun keladi ye Fiza, nanti order lagi..also TQ very much for promoting my cakes blog to your opis mate..he..he..

Jamuan penutup sebelum puasa bulan Ramadan. I contributed these square & round cakes for our dept's potluck 'makan-makan pagi gathering' this morning before office hour (8 am).

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