Batman Cake

If I had this cake to do over again, I'd opt out of the reverse shell/shell boarder and do a something solid and flat. I fear the shells, softened the look and feel of the cake in a not so superhero kinda way. Nonetheless, here's my latest creation, which currently sits in the fridge awaiting delivery to my friend's house where a dozen or so hungry children will soon gather to devour frilly shells and all!

This cake was made using an 11"x15" sheetcake pan. Cake was removed from pan onto a wire rack, replaced in cleaned pan blanketed in wax paper, then wrapped in wax paper and Saran wrap, placed in freezer overnight. Then, cut in half, frosted in middle, stacked, shaped while still frozen and frosted to match the cartoon image of the batman bat! :)

For beginners wanting to shape a cake... always freeze first. Cut while the cake is frozen or you'll have a crumbly mess to clean up and while your cake will still taste wonderful, your knife won't cut those clean lines you're looking for and successful sculpting will likely be an impossibility .

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