Cupcakes Hantaran Tunang, Cupcakes 6-tiers for Wedding & Birthday Cake

All these were ordered by customers last weekend. Which means that I've really occupied all my weekend/rest days+one day public holiday (Thaipusam) to deliver all these & no rest day for me..he..he..letih wei!!

Yanti order for hantaran-gift for her relatives. Theme green + dark red. A choc chip flavour muffins frosted with royal icing & topped with fondant flowers & leaves.

Again, I've contributed this for Ustazah Zahara son's wedding-cupcake tree set. A Choc chip flavour muffins frosted with choc ganache + topped with fondant flowers.

Azwa's Family Birthday Celebration + Wedding Anniversary. A Cotton marble cake filled & frosted with choc fudge & fondant deco toppers+choc chips.

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