Snakes on a Cake!

Where have I been! I have been so crazy making cakes, talking about cakes, and planning cakes that there has been no time to blog about cakes! Luckily, I have a few minutes now!

This is a grooms cake I did from 11pm Saturday until 5am Saturday morning! The groom goes on safari and likes all things reptilian, so we got to "Snakes on a Cake"!

I enjoyed making the three different patterns, especially the giraffe because I haven't done that before. Also, I am now sold on "white" food coloring. I'll be buying a case next week. It's been such a stinker that you have a really good butter icing but the trade off is an off white color. Not anymore! I used a new lizard mold and turtle mold and they looked real! But even with all the work and effort, my favorite thing about the whole cake is the cute green snake with it's tongue sticking out! He was a last minute addition and only took about ten minutes.

Blog again soon!

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