Novelty Cake Makeup & Accessories-Pink Theme for Nurul Khalisah's Birthday

Lebih kurang sebulan yg lalu, Fazriani si ibu birthday girl contacted & email me the spec tuk order special birthday cake for anak kesayangannya Nurul Khalisah. Maka dengan ini terciptalah kek nie istimewa untuk birthday Nurul Khalisah yang ke 11 hari ini. Hope she likes it & happy and pleased for her caring & loving Mom Fazriani. Thanks to Fazriani, coz i wud not have made it if not for her demand. Novelty cake is very time consuming...almaklum i terkejar2 pepagi gi kija & mlm ler baru sempat nak berkarya on caking kinda stuff....
Keknya ialah buttercake, frosted with pink buttercream as requested & topped with fondant/gumpaste makeup&accessories. Makeup bag also a buttercake covered with choc fondant. Thanks to Sifu Calvin of Blackforestharven for the knowledge of making the choc fondant, i've attended his class at Artisan, Kelana Jaya last month.

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