Cafe Fun's Remake!

Welcome to the all new Cake Fun! This blog a work in progress so please don't trip over the signs of construction... the changing colors, lost and found page elements, and my lack of focus on what exactly belongs here! lol

For several years this blog highlighted Flickr's Cake Fun photosharing group and we randomly featured cake decorator's masterpieces here. However... for some time now I've felt that this site needed to be more. After all, why do we need to show Flickr photos here, when they're already on Flickr?

So, here I am looking for 3 things that will make this blog amazing, refreshing, and fun.
  1. If you have a cake photo you'd like to share, whether you're a professional decorator or an amature please let me know! You can feature your masterpiece here, link to your own blog if you have one, and share your creation with the world!
  2. If you have a cake decorating question, ask it here and I'll do my best to tackle your question in a new blog post.
  3. If you have a funny cake decorating story you'd like to share, do it here! Send me your story and upon approval we'll share it here. You can reveal your name or remain annonymous. :)
So this new blog is underway and may take a few twists and turns before it takes shape, but I do hope you'll join me on this new journey.

I've just reinstated the "Followers" section... check it out in the right sidebar and if you're so inclined sign up as a fan!

"B" is for Better!

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