Vivian & Boon Wedding Cupcakes

For the past few days, we had been busy and crazy about making wedding cupcakes. Here are one of wedding cupcakes set we completed over the weekend.

This cupcakes set was a surprise gift from our clients to the bridal. This is a very sweet order. Friends of the bride who working in Saudi and travel to Sabah unable attend their memorable wedding and wish to greet them with something special so assign this task to us. We are very happy and glad to do so. Thank you.

Wedding cupcakes for Vivian & Boon

Friends share the couple happy and sweet moment.

Congratulations all the sweet couples.

Price: RM90.00 per set (16 M size cupcakes) self collection Optional doorstep delivery: RM30.00 per trip.
Available flavour: Vanilla, Chocolate, Orange, Strawberry, Pandan and Coffee
Remark: Colours may be personalised to individuals' preferences.

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