Basic Cupcakes Deco Class 09Jan

Alhamdulillah,again everything went well during the class with 4 participants yesterday..we had fun baking,decorating and not forgetting gossipping..thank u to Jaja,Marina,Siti and Azlina for attending the class with me..hope u all enjoy as much as I do and at the same time learn as much tips and techniques from what I've shared..May you all bake great cupcakes after this...hehe..Good Luck ladies..

Jaja with her creations..She's the owner of The Wedding Fairies

Siti and her cuppies..

Marina was the most creative..I should say..just look at her work..

just love this one..

Azlina who was very quite during the class..tekun bekerja mendecorate the cuppies..

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