Recipe of The Week - Hazelnut De-Light Cupcakes

I made these for the February Cupcake Hero Challenge - Olive Oil! (I used extra virgin olive oil)

These are a hazelnut olive oil cupcake, with a chocolate olive oil mousse filling and topping. Maybe we'll call them something simpler.. Maybe Hazelnut De-Light Cupcakes?
**Please Note the mousse does contain RAW EGGS, so keep that in mind if you plan to make it, and can't eat it**

Here's how you can make them..
About 4 hours before (preferably the night before) start making your mousse.
You Will Need...
[Printable Recipe]
Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of hot water. Remember: Don't let the water into the chocolate or it will sieze up and you will have to start all over again.When the chocolate is melted, slowly stir in the olive oil.
Remove from heat. Place the egg yolks and half the sugar in a mixer beat until pale and thick. Then add the melted chocolate mixture & the frangelico. (if using it) Let sit.Whisk eggwhites until soft peaks form.Slowly add remainder of the sugar until nice and glossy.Gently fold eggwhites into chocolate mixture.Place in a bowl and cover with glad wrap.
Chill in the fridge for at least 4 hours. (Preferably overnight)You won't need all of the mousse for the cupcakes, so why not place a little in a smaller bowl all for yourself... I did.
For the Cupcakes
[Printable Recipe]
You Will Need..The Frangelico is of course optional.
You can replace this with orange juice if you want and make a hazelnut & orange flavoured cupcake, also add a teaspoon of orange rind to the mixture.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius. Line a muffin tray with cupcake liners.
Place the eggs and sugar in a bowl and beat until creamy.Add the olive oil and the frangelico (orange juice if you don't want to use frangelico.. or leave it out completely)
Stir in the hazelnut meal, flour and baking soda.
Distribute mixture evenly among the cupcake cases.Place in the oven for about 15-20 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
Allow cupcakes to cool in tray before turning out onto a wire rack.
Once completely cool, place the mousse into a piping bag, and insert into cupcake.
Gently squeeze to fill the cupcake, then pipe a swirl ontop.
Top with hazelnuts and drizzle with cream.
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