Great Minds--think alike!

Great minds think alike, that's how! This morning I received an email from one of my five sisters, way across the country, telling all about a recipe she had tried called "Molten Chocolate Cakes". And pictures, yum! But the whole time I was reading the email, I was wondering HOW DID SHE KNOW that just last week I was on the hunt for a good Hot Molten Lava Chocolate Cake recipe? I had bought one (impulse buy, and you actually get two little ones in the package) at Domino's Pizza on the Friday night prior. When I ate it, I thought "I could make this!" So I hunted down a recipe and made it for our American Idol snack (always must have a good snack for AI). Here's one I made, which just doesn't show the warm chocolate in the center, you just have to trust me:

Then today, Roberta sends an email telling about how she and family were watching "Worst Cooks in America" (which I haven't seen-yet) and they were making these. She looked online and found this recipe, and made them right then and there! She said they were great! So try that recipe (I won't include mine, I don't think it would be as good as the one on All-Recipes). Let me know if you try it, okay?

And, for another special treat on a recent evening I made "Sweetie Pies" just like the ones on the Farm Chick's blog here. These were so easy and fun to make! I just used a strawberry glaze for my centers (oops, it oozed out the sides a little). And in my smaller hearts I put a little piece of semi-sweet chocolate. Oh, those were so good, too! Here's mine, and be sure to check out Serena's on her blog!

Blessings, Heidi

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