A couple of months ago I got a call from the nice folks at Chattanooga City Scope magazine. They were putting together a wedding issue and wanted to do an article on this season's trends in wedding cakes. After a short interview they asked if I would send in some hi-res pictures that were representative of those trends. Chad and I immediately went through all our wedding cakes and sent them more pictures than they could ever use.
Several days later I got a call that really made my day. It was City Scope magazine and they were asking if several of my cakes were buttercream or fondant. They thought it was buttercream, but they were so smooth they thought it could be fondant. Now you all know that I go the extra mile to make my buttercream smooth as silk so I was especially glad that their staff noticed and felt the need to confirm.
So over the weekend I get a copy of the magazine in the mail and they did feature one of my cakes. They also post their issues online, so if you would like to read the article, just click here.
Thanks for stopping by!