Cupcakes Hantaran

Gee order cupcakes hantaran ni tuk adiknya. Tema warna peach&cream. Cupcakes choc moist dgn fully fondant frost&deco. TQVM Gee & also to Rose sbb tlg recommend kan...

Anak Kak O-Yati tunang kat Kedah...nie order last minit gak nie.. Siap customized/personalized lagi permintaannya...ha..ha..ha..Alhamdulillah managed to get it done ler...hajat org kan...anak terunanya request kaler merah biru tuk represent Johor flag & green yellow to represent Kedah ler plak...maknye lak suruh wat nama teruna&dara yg bakal terikat tu dgn kaler base nye pink menjerit & alas word tu nak white kaler & last but not least the words to be in what a request... all in one set gitu...kaler combination&deco design tu as per request yek...bukan pepandai i wat je...Apa pun TQVM Kak Yati!! Selamat Bertunang Shahrul & Raudhatul...

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