
Lookie own sweet Raggedy Annie verse dollLea made with so much love in every stitch!  You can look at her other creations in her Etsy store here.  The verse is Psalm 37:4 and it says,
"Delight in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your Heart." 
To "delight" in the Lord is to take pleasure in the Lord.  When I do this the Lord changes my desires to conform with His will.  He changes my desires to match His will and His delights.  It's an awesome experience to find myself delighting in all things eternal, as opposed to earthly things, which have no eternal value.  But it's okay to enjoy the beauty and splendor the Lord does give me.  Such as this cute little Annie doll...she's there to remind me of keeping focused on my Jesus.  She also reminds me of friends and family---God's gifts to me!

More fun...  I won Tracy's  (my cup runneth over) drawing, here.  I'm excited to read what she'll be sending to me. You still have time to enter her final drawing, she's got a big surprise for the final giveaway.  I tell you, bloggers love to giveaway and to celebrate blog-anniversaries!  Loads of fun!

Also, regarding the blog where I go the idea to glue paper clips on the back of plates: I always try to include links to places I mention or refer.  I finally found the blog I had mentioned!  It was Diane of "In My Own Style".  The post about hanging plates, etc, is here.   Be sure to read her post of how to have some fashion fun on your refrigerator door!  So cute!

Having fun in March...rain, birthdays, flowers, fellowship, family, food and fun!
Blessings, Heidi

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