Do you make a concerted effort to conserve the amount of paper you consume at home and at work? I just learned that nearly half of the waste filling urban landfills is paper. Can you believe that? With the technology we have today to recycle we still throw so much of what nature has provided us away. That's really a shame.
The number of trees that can be saved through purchasing recycled products is alone worth shopping for recycled office supplies. Finding recycled stationary, business cards, office paper, envelopes and the like from an environmentally minded distributor should mean something to us.
If you're a green shopper, Dolphin Blue or is a paper company you will enjoy doing business with.
Do you participate in any type of recycling program? I'm grateful that at least in my own community we have curbside recycling. My children's school participates in paper recycling fund raisers, giving parents even more motivation to bring in their old newspapers, magazines, and paper stock. It brings in money for the school and gives the children something to feel good about! We've saved a good number of trees since the program was implemented!
I'd love to find a company that makes cake boxes and boards from recycled paper... I haven't found such a product on the market though. I'd be willing to pay a few extra pennies for an environmentally friendly cake box... maybe someday!
Green Friendly Office Supplies
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