Shopping...for the dress...
So we are deep into the wedding planning. We love the abundance of photos and inspiration that's available online. When I was planning Melissa's wedding exactly nine years ago the internet was nothing close to where it is today. Nine years ago most of our inspiration came from books and magazines. Today all I have to do is turn on my computer. We're still working on details, but the BIG decision has been made: The Dress. It's on order and I have to say, it's drop-dead-gorgeous! Not kidding. When Jessica walked out of the dressing room with The Dress on, it took my breath away. And her's too. After trying on almost 30 dresses, This Dress was The One. Big Smile. I can hardly wait until September when she wears The Dress to wed Craig. My prayer is for God to go before Craig and Jessica and make His footsteps their pathway. (Psalm 85:13). The Lord gives what is good to His children, and He has given Craig and Jessica to each other. I feel so blessed to recognize this gift.
And the other great blessing in my life right now is watching our third grand baby Melissa's tummy! Little four-year-old John Mark told me, "My mommy's growing a baby in her tummy!" It was so sweet. Last week Melissa invited me to join her and Kris to the ultrasound session when they were going to check on the baby's growth and find out the answer to the big question: boy or girl. I was so honored to be there and see "the three lines". (Do you know about the three lines that show up in an ultrasound? I now know!) The technician checked all the vitals, measuring and taking a ton of "pictures". Everything was as it should be, what a blast to see this process, I think it was about an hour and a half--very detailed! Then she said, "do you want to know?" Yes! "three lines".... It looks like Ellie is the one who will be sharing her darling bedroom with a new little sister in September when the new baby is born. (Due the week before Jessica's wedding!)
Melissa is such a good mommy. Her 28th birthday is Tuesday. Happy Birthday, Melissa! I love you! She's the matron of honor for Jessica. She works so hard and is such great support for Jessica. She put on a fabulous engagement dinner for Craig and Jessica! Here she is helping pick out The Dress:
Mark and I are thrilled to see our family grow by two this year. We are honored that Craig has chosen our family to join, and that God blessed Melissa and Kris with a baby. One of my readers recently asked if I even craft any more, with so much going on! (I do a little, but for gifts mostly.) But my focus is on the people in my life. God put me on earth to have a relationship with Him and to those He's put in my life and that's what I'm busy doing!
Here's John Mark and Ellie:
I'm enjoying the abundant life He's given me here on earth, but I always keep that when God says "abundant life", He's really saying "eternal life with Him".
Blessings, Heidi