My Review of Duff Goldman's Cake Product Line

I have finally completed my review of the Duff Goldman line of cake decorating products! If you’re interested in checking it out, please head on over to my Cake Space blog and let me know what you think. I’d love it if you’d leave me a comment there. Also… if you aren’t following me on Cake Space, please be sure you don’t leave my blog without doing so!

Just a sneak peak and a bit of added info…. I received three products from this new decorating line. I seriously enjoyed getting to play for free. Lol I even gave a chunk of the fondant to each of my kids to play with. My daughter fashioned a zoo animal of some sort, then bit it’s head off. My son just ate the fondant. Lol Both thought very highly of the texture and taste… so there ya go!

Finally, this blog has sorta slipped into an everything blog, which isn’t really my intention, so I’m going to start doing a better job of posting cake-relevant information! Lol I’m rather spacey (and struggling for moolah) though, so one really never knows what they may find here. I’m blaming this on motherhood. Can I get away with that? Lol

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