Happy Birthday Julia Child!

(click this link to see my feature on Julia!)
by Celeste Ward; Featured in "Birmingham's Best Eats"

"Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it."  -Julia Child

This quote by Julia Child is so true...We should all be so lucky enough to find something that we are truly passionate about.  Julia Child certainly discovered her passion for all things culinary all those years ago in Paris, France, and she continues to be a huge inspiration to me.

I was thrilled when Birmingham blogger, Wade Kwon, contacted me about a month-long feature he was doing on his website.  It was to be called "Birmingham's Best Eats," and he was looking for contributers to write articles, restaurant reviews and feature recipes.  I didn't think twice...Of COURSE I wanted to participate!

The first idea that came to mind was Julia's birthday...surprise, surprise.  I thought it would be perfect to write an article to celebrate what would have been her 98th birthday. 

The article was published this morning, over at Wade's website, "Wade on Birmingham."

Please visit THIS LINK to see my feature on Julia Child!!!

In the words of the beloved Julia, "Bon Appetit!"

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