One Thing Is Needed

Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said.....only one thing is needed, Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. - Luke 10:39,42

I am mostly a visual person. Sometime ago, I told Jesus that I want to see Him. I thought of buying a picture of Him from the Christian bookstore and put it in my place. But that picture would be someone's else image of Him. Then He led me to study the Book of Revelation. There the description of Jesus was very vivid. Even though there was no image in my Bible, as I spend more of my time studying it, my impression of Him grows deeper.

I also want to listen to His voice. I have to make my heart quiet enough to recognise His voice. I'm inspired by music and voices of people who love God. There are a few singers whom I have been listening to that helps me to tune in to Him. They are Kelvin Soh, Billy Wang, Don Moen,  Kathryn Scott etc. My purpose in my daily life becomes clearer each time I look and listen more intensely into His face and voice.

I am now reading a book entitled Success Kills, by Wayde Goodall. I like what Pastor Goodall said, "Strong, successful teams are made up of very talented, special people...they are strong where we are weak. We are strong where they are weak.... If people around you..., your spouse, children, can't tell you that you're wrong, give them permission.... Solitude, listening to our God, and receiving the wisdom and strength we need to do all that will be required of us is a "life truth" that will help us succeed in all we do."

Finally, I would like to share this song 作主的门徒 which is sung by Kelvin Soh in his album 作主的门徒

There is another song 一世人跟随祢 which is one of my favourite in his album 真爱

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