Sweet Woodruff Acres has been rocking and rolling this past month! I'm proud to anounce our daughter and husband's new addition to the family: Welcome Claira Elizabeth! She was due September 12, just 6 days before our other daughter's wedding on September 18. Sweet little Claira made her apperance on September 1, giving her mommy 18 days to recover from the birth for the wedding! And you know what? I give all the credit to God, He is in control and He works all things our for those who love Him.
Here she is:
Our second new addition to the family this month is our son--in-law, Craig. Craig and Jessica were married Saturday, September 18 at our church, Calvary on the Bay. The reception was held here at Sweet Woodruff Acres under a big white tent.
Here is the newly wed couple:
Thank you all for your prayers for our family! Thank you, family and friends for all your help with the wedding. It was truly a family affair. I'll post pictures here on my blog for quite a while. But I'd like to end this short post with one of my favorite photos. We danced the night away in celebration, and here I am with our two grand kids (while Claira slept in the house!):
Blessings, hugs and love, Heidi