I first became aware of Chronicle Books when I purchased Bakerella's Cake Pops book. I thought they put a lot of thought into the little details, like the page binding. I can't tell you how many times I have been cooking one recipe, turn around to add an ingredient and then look back only to find that the page has turned itself and now I'm reading a completely different recipe. But I digress...
So I was checking out Chronicle's site when I find they're inviting bloggers to a "Celebrate the Haul-idays with Chronicle Books" contest. Sounds fun, right? Well it is, and it's very easy, and best of all, we could BOTH win! I have selected a nice collection of Chronicle Books and if my name is chosen from all the entries, I win all those books! If I am the winner, Chronicle will also choose one person that commented on this post to also win that same set of books! So make sure you leave a comment, OK? Here's the list of books that I (and you) could win!!
Bird Song Bible by Les Beletsky
Cake Pops by Angie Dudley/Bakerella
Whoopie Pies by Sarah Billingsly
Wookie Cookies - A Star Wars Cookbook by Robin Davis
Sky High by Alisa Hunjtsman, Peter Wynne
The Big Book of Appetizers by Meredith Deeds, Carla Snyder
Advertising Next by Tom Himpe
Skinny Dips by Diane Morgan
Highballs, High Heels by Karen Brooks
Curious Cats by Mitsuaki Iwago
Creative Inc by Meg Mateo Ilasco
And how about this? In your comment, tell me which book out of this list you would most like to have/read, OK? Thanks for playing and wish "us" luck!