Making Monday Lists

First I'd like to point you in the direction of a few printables that I love!

(picture from Allsorts blog)
The uber-talented Jenny of AllSorts designed a free printable Holiday list here.  Yes, I should join the club:  "Hi.  My name is Heidi.  I am a incurable list maker."   Not to point fingers or lay blame, but I get this from my Mom.  Every morning when I got up I'd see my mom sitting at the kitchen table, with her Bible open.  After reading the Word she would then start her list.  Lists, I should say.  Groceries, chores, names, bills to pay, phone calls to make, letters to write, gifts to buy, and the lists go on and on.  That is me.  "All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." 

So here's just one of a million printable lists you can download.  Jenny's is so bright and cheerful for Monday morning, that's why I'm pointing it out to you.  Oh, and remember, Jenny has a project included in Amy Power's free down- magazine, "Inspired Ideas Christmas Issue".  Have you downloaded your issue today?

(picture from Madabella blog)
Next, I found a link for a set of Scripture cards to personalize.  You can print out these cards then write in the name of who you want to encourage.  When you print them out be prepared for a set of 8 pages to print.  Melissa has made 30 designs.  I printed mine on card stock, so that I could hand them out if I wanted.  They would also make a nice tag booklet as a gift. The artwork is delightful and of course the Scripture is Wonderful.  I found Melissa's, Madabella, via Jenny Doh's blog. "steadfast in the faith".... 
                    What's on your list?
                         Blessings, Heidi

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