Di from Sowing Three Seeds sent me a tea party she hosted for her daughter. It is, simply put, AMAZING! Remember the bacon party awhile back? This party comes from the same awesome momma. Check out the cake!
I love the table settings.
Look at all this fun, girly food!!!
Those are cookies in the goodie bags. Aren't they beautiful?
As far as the activities go, I'll let Di explain in her own words:
I picked up flowers at my local craft store for the hats and simply removed the stems. As for the hats.... what a deal!!! I picked them up for $1 each at my local Dollar Tree! What a bargain! I also found feather boas at the Dollar Tree and cut the boas ropes into various sized pieces so that the girls could also choose to glue those onto the hats as well. As for the bracelets I managed to find mini tea cup and tea pot cookie cutters at a specialty bake shop. I baked up several batches of both using a snickerdoodle recipe (its the birthday girls favorite!) I simple added sprinkles for color while they baked. Once they came out of the oven I immediately used the end of a straw to poke the lacing hole into the cookie. One the cookies cooled they were ready to go with a perfectly shaped hole for stringing. In the weeks prior to the party I went to a local candy store that had candy watch bracelets. I purchased 2 bags of them and then brought them home and disassembled the bracelets. I had new string, I didn't need the watch part but I did need the candies and their matching pink, yellow, purple, green and white colors. So during the party 1/2 of the girls made hats and the other half strung bracelets. Then both groups switched so that each girl had a turn at each station. Both were such a big hit, but I think that the girls especially liked the bracelets.... they were so cute and evidently so tasty---- each girl had eaten hers right off her wrist before cake was served! :)
Looks like it was a success to me!
Thank you Di for another wonderful party!!!