Happy 2011! Another Year of Delicious Desserts :)

I might be 18 days or so off from wishing you a happy new year, but better late than never, right?

I promise that I already have lots of good things rolled up my sleeve for 2011, and couple of leftover posts from last year that I never uploaded. So definitely keep your eyes out for the cookies and cupcakes that I made, as well as the bakery reviews from the four or five bakeries that I visited in Atlanta. :-)

On a final note, who's been watching the Next Great Baker? I'm in love with that show! I thought I wouldn't like it, because I'm not a fan of reality tv games shows, except maybe America's Next Top Model, which I'll admit is a guilty pleasure. NGB, however, is great. Sure, it's dramatic, and that gets a little annoying. But they make some amazing cakes, and some of the baker's challenges definitely give me confidence (just watching them!) that at 19 years old, I have what it takes. I'm certainly not perfect, but I've got so much time to learn! Next week is the finale, and I'm rooting for Megan, because she a) has an adorable accent, b) is blonde (like me!), and c) she's young and I guess I connect with her for that. Some of the competitors already own bakeries or work in one, and I just think if she wins, she'll be able to make the most of it. Anyway, that's just my little spiel. All (ok, most) of the bakers on that show I love, so it was tough to pick a favorite.

More delicious blogging later!


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