The Hot Josh and More: Robicellis Cupcakes at Park Here 1/29

The Hot Josh

SNOW. SNOW. SNOW! I am personally tired of it.  Stop by Park Here, a pop-up artificial park in Soho, and eat Robicellis Cupcakes.  Pictured above is their new savory cupcake, The Hot Josh. Celery root & carrot cake with Point Reyes blue cheese buttercream and citrus tinged Buffalo chicken.

Also on tap:

Chicken n'Waffles (because if we don't make these for every event someone will probably stab us)
Vanilla "waffle" cake, vanilla buttercream, buttermilk soaked fried chicken dunked in pure Vermont maple syrup

El Guapo
Sweet corn cake, cilantro lime buttercream

The Sarah
Apple spice cake, goat cheese buttercream, salted honey-almond brittle

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel
Chocolate cake, peanut butter buttercream, crushed pretzels, ganache drizzle

Robicelli's Cupcake Pop-Up
PARK HERE @ OpenHouse Gallery NYC
201 Mulberry Street btwn Spring & Kenmare
Saturday, January 29th
11 am- 6pm

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