
Here is another party from the fabulous Amanda at Oh Amamda. I have a house full of cute little pirates so I really like this one! Check out all the cute names ( and cute name tags) for the food.

Pirates of the Caribbean Black Bean Mango Salsa

She got the pictures off of The Grapics Fairy. And the font is called RAGE.

 Captain Hook’s Hummus 

Oranges for scurvy

And cannonballs (chocolate rice krispie balls)

This pirate ship cake is so fun!

pirate party


There were kids ages 2-10 so she made it a little less structured and more at-your-own-pace. She set up 5 stations in the backyard. Each station had a sign with instructions and a spinner.

When they were done with the activity the would spin the spinner and which ever pirate stamp it landed on is which station they had to go to next. I stamped each sign with the same stamp as the spinner.

Walk the plank


Dig for treasure ( baby pool filled with sand, gold coins, necklaces)


 Peg leg race (an obstacle course of hula hoops, buckets and paintsticks—all to be completed on one foot)

Swab the Deck (use a mop to push a ball into a bucket)


Get your own pirate name

She had 3 boxes and came up with 3 groups of names–a new first, middle and last pirate name. The kids picked a name out of each box and then she wrote their new name on their pirate ship name tag.

pirate names

pirate kids
At each station, the kids got a piece to a pirate costume: an eye patch ($1 for 50 at Oriental Trading), a red and white striped sash, black bandanna, pirate tattoo and of course, the pirate name tag.

By the end of the day, all the kids were wearing costumes and looked so cute!

Amanda also had a bunch of pirate books for the kids to read.

Thank you Amanda for another great party!!!

I also want to thank ALL of you who send in such amazing party submissions. I love checking my email and finding new parties!

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