Yeah, I know it's been a while since I managed to post.....too long, actually! Life's been, school functions, basketball games, illnesses, a broken arm (not me, my 4 yr. old), and cookies, cookies, and more cookies. Lots of them are repeats of designs I've done before, so I won't post all of them again.
Remember the batch of dough that yielded 100 cookies? This set of baby shower cookies, 30 in all, was from that batch.....
Plus I made another set of 30 from that same batch. I love that new can handle a double batch of cookie dough with no problems at all!
Here's more....not from that batch of 100 cookies, though!
For a wedding......
I've discovered a love affair with opal sanding sugar.
I love that goes with ANY color of icing. I used a lot of it on this wedding set, although it doesn't show up too well in the photos.
.....a baby shower
and birthday party favors.
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Next post, I'll tell you about that other late Christmas present.....