In the market for a new vehicle that not only serves as a trip-mobile, an errand runner, and a carpool cruiser, but also as delivery transportation? Maybe you're like me and don't do a whole lot of delivering anything other than children to and from school... but I've dreamed of a day when I'd be that all to cool professional cake decorator, with a logo sporting the side of a bright and shiny new vehicle, ready to attract cake loving clients from one end of the city to the other.
There are certain vehicles that probably wouldn't make the greatest delivery vehicles for larger orders, but if you're delivering 10" birthday cakes, you could probably get away with a Lexus GS (if you're planning on delivering heartier cakes you might consider the Lexus LS). Our former neighbors had a Lexus GS, and I miss envying them for it. lol Now I have to envy other people's when I have the opportunity. Obviously the Lexus GS isn't about spacious traveling, but it fits classy to a T.
Another COOL car that would make for an acceptable (and sassy) delivery vehicle if you were running a small cake business and wanting to look professional and super-sophisticated might be the BMW x5. After all, what kind of fool doesn't appreciate a BMW? This fool sure does!
Then there are vehicles like the Toyota 4Runner, which would be an awesome all around family vehicle and definitely roomy enough for multiple graduation sheet cakes come May, or that June wedding cake order you're hoping to land.
My SIL has a Ford Expedition and man oh man is it ever spacious. Parked next to our car it looks like an SUV on steroids. I don't know if Ford makes all Expeditions to such massive size, but hers is exactly that... massive. I'd hate to be the sedan that didn't see her coming! On the upside, it could probably travel easily through the feet of snow we've had this winter and would be the perfect cake transporter. Lots of room for fondant and butter creamed covered masterpieces and loads of window space for marketing purposes.
What do you drive? Is it cake worthy?
Your Everything Vehicle... Kids, Roadtrips... and Cake!
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