Cake Mix Doctor Review: White Chocolate Chewies

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Heather The Confectionist is on a mission to bake and review every recipe in Anne Byrn's The Cake Mix Doctor (CMD). Follow along on this journey with the CMD Review.

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White Chocolate Chewies p340

Need a fast recipe for a sweet dessert, the CMD book has a small section for cookies made from a cake mix. As a general rule I find cake mix cookies, well...too "cakey".

I had the ingredients for the White Chocolate Chewies on hand. It calls for a devil's food cake mix with white chocolate chips added. The cookies were decent just a little cakey and VERY moist. The dough is very thick and STICKY! This one pulls together fast but is for true chocolate lovers only.

Rating: 3 out of a possible 5 guinea pigs
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Heather "The Confectionist"

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